Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Run for your LIFE

Run for your life. Just something that has been on my heart lately.

a) God gave me one life
b) Also, one body

My responsibility is to be obedient to His call and His word. That's my job... so I desire to take care of this physical body so that I can run this race without the complications of sickness or excess 'weight'.  God doesn't want us spiritually running with baggage. Why? It slows us down, weighs on our hearts and takes the focus off of Him.
It doesn't matter how heavy you are now, but it does matter that you start to 'lighten your load', if you will... both physically and spiritually.

Start to drink more water and less coffee! Less soda or juice. Our body is made up of mostly water, keep it at great supply. Water also helps with the digestion process, helps flush toxins, and loads of other amazingly intricate things!

That doesn't mean that you have to go run a marathon right now. It means you can watch what you eat or what you don't eat. Start by walking. Add a little jog into your step, run for a couple minutes and then walk some. Run a mile strait! Run half a mile, walk half. Run a whole mile, walk a half mile. Run a 5K. Run a 10k, Run a Marathon.

Sometimes it's uncomfortable when we are stretched by God's plan for us... I think that sometimes we need to feel stretched when it comes to our physical body as well. It hurts to run, its uncomfortable, you sweat, you stink, hahaha. But I think it is supposed to feel that way. No one ever regrets a good work out.

Run for your life! FOR YOUR LIFE! Because you only get one crack at it. I don't want to set my expiration date, I want God's expiration date on my life. I hope you get my heart through this.

This is a fragile subject and I have a passion for health and fitness, if you need help or accountability please feel free to email me! Have a blessed day!

Hungry Mom

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